Ross Goodwin-Brown: ‘Horrified’ by drivers not stopping for school buses
Published: 05-15-2023 11:15 AM |
I was horrified but not surprised by the article describing drivers failing to stop for school buses stopped to pick up or discharge passengers [“Buses being passed: ‘horrific,’” Gazette, May 3]. Kudos to the Leverett parents who are calling attention to the issue, and to state Rep. Natalie Blais and state Sen. Jo Comerford for joining them in their crusade.
A brief search of the internet revealed that this problem is happening across the country. Minnesota has passed and implemented a law that requires automated stop arm camera systems that can capture stop arm violations and tag them with relevant details such as GPS coordinates, date, time, and license plates, in high definition. This information is shared with local law enforcement. In addition to a public awareness campaign and stiffening penalties for scofflaws. Massachusetts should also require these cameras on all school buses, and provide the funding to purchase, operate and maintain them. We have to do better than this, for the sake of our children.
Ross Goodwin-Brown