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A history of satire, lampoons and lawsuits: Rockwell Museum celebrates Mad magazine’s 72nd year with first major retrospective
07-11-2024 8:44 PM


“Working for Mad means never having to grow up.” John Ficarra, Mad magazine editor-in-chief 1985-2018 The Norman Rockwell Museum’s current exhibit provides a nostalgic voyage for Baby Boomers, a gold mine for pop historians and a wellspring of ideas...

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

The ABCs of children’s books: ‘Alphabet Soup’ at the Eric Carle Museum looks at how picture books come to life
02-23-2024 9:40 PM


The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art has no shortage of material to draw on for exhibits.Aside from highlighting work from traveling exhibits, or showcasing illustrations of specific artists drawn from various sources, the Amherst museum can...

Rachel Maddow’s new book examines American fascism in the WWII era
01-17-2024 7:07 PM


The conventional story of World War II in the United States is the one about how the country, shrugging off the hardships brought on by the Great Depression, rolled up its sleeves to defeat the fascist forces of Nazi Germany and Japan and make the...

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